Senin, 29 Agustus 2011

Anti Trojan

Anti Trojan Elite(ATE) is a malware remover, it can detect and clean malware in disk or memory.Anti Trojan Elite provide a real-time malware firewall for user, once a trojan or keylogger would been loaded, the ATE can detect, block and then clean it in time before it starts. The ATE can detect more than 22000 trojans, worms and keyloggers currently, and the number of malware ATE could clean is growing up very quickly, we collect world-wide malwares, user can using our auto live update feature to get the power to clean these new malwares in time.

Anti Trojan Elite has some useful utilities especially. The network utility can been used to disconnect suspicious TCP connections; The process utility can been used to kill suspicious processes even the process has the system priviage, even it has the ability to unload suspicious modules in all processes; The registry repair utility can been used to repair registry altered by malware; The registry monitor utility can been used to repair any change of important registry keys and values with real time.
- Real-time malware firewall, protecting user’s computer in real-time.
- Detecting and cleaning binded malware, doesn’t hurt normal file and clean the malware.
- Detecting and cleaning no process malware, some malware don’t have a EXE file, they are only some DLL files and running as some threads in other process, ATE can detect and clean this type of malware even it’s running.
- Free tools. View the information of Tcp/Ip states and processes informations.

- Disk and memory scan supported.
- Real-time malware firewall.
- Compressed files (RAR ZIP CAB) scan supported.
- Backup module: Backup trojan files before killing.
- Network Manager. View the tcp/udp states and the processes they belonged to. User can disconnect any tcp connection and stop the opposite process.
- Process manager. View the processes and its DLL modules’ information. User can terminate any process and unload any DLL module.
- Internet Explorer and registry repair utility.
- Updating online supported, and auto check updates when ATE starts.
- Real-time registry monitor utility.

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Fitur :

Cheat ON : HOME 
Cheat OFF : END

[-]Kalau BT coba gunakan metode Flashdisk
[-]Harus install Net Framework danVcredist_x86

Free Download Cheat Point Blank 29 Agustus 2011 Cheat Wallhack Glass Update Point Blank

Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011

Cheat Ninjasaga - Boss 1 hit K.O.

Download required files [ download  

Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
  • above required files
  • fiddler2
  • chrome/firefox

Replacing all the database will allow you to 1 hit KO all hunting house bosses.
To everyone, do NOT publish when you win the boss or someone may report you for killing all the bosses within such a short period of time. When you cheat, please cheat SMART. 

Steps :
  1. Download required files above
  2. Extract all the files to your desktop
  3. Open Fiddler
  4. Use your mouse, Drag downloaded files (all the eneXXX.swf files and the hunting_house swf file) into the Autoresponder tab in fiddler
  5. It should look like this. Make sure "Enable auto.." and "Permit pass..." are both ticked.

  6. Just enter Ninja Saga [ play now ]
  7. Just fight those bosses and it's 1 hit KO. If it isn't, you have not replaced the files correctly, because I have tested it.
By:  Pwnthis


Need :

  1. Download Database from the links above. You will need winRAR (tools section) to extract the .dat files out. 
  2. Open fiddler and replace action.dat. The rule editor are as required. If you do not know how to replace, read the Tool's Tutorial from the link above.
  1. Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the lines will be highlighted.
  2. Now just go into your Chest/Inventory, close the chest and you will see the new Fishes. Have fun :) 

Jumat, 26 Agustus 2011

Cheat Point Blank 26 Agustus 2011 Cheat Fullhack Wallhack + Ammo Global + Gravity + Anti Kick

Fitur :
[-] Wallhack Charms CT/Tero
[-] Walhack Glass
[-] Wireframe
[-] Wallhack Mini
[-] Wallhack Phantom
[-] Charms Weapon
[-] Speed D Kriss
[-] Anti Vote Kick
[-] Ammo Global
[-] Gravity

Hotkey :
[*] Untuk :
[-] Gravity On : F1
[-] Gravity Off : F2
[-] Anti Vote Kick : F3
[*] Sisanya ada di D3D Menunya
[-] Open/ Close D3D Menu : Insert
[-] → : On
[-] ← : Off

[-]Kalau BT coba gunakan metode Flashdisk
[-]Harus install Net Framework danVcredist_x86

Free Download Cheat Point Blank 26 Agustus 2011 Cheat Fullhack Wallhack + Ammo Global + Gravity + Anti Kick Update Point Blank